Stow Motor Club Membership is £2 per month single, or £3 per month for couples. Renewable annually 31st March.
If you would like to join please info@stowmc.orgwith the word “Membership” in the subject line.
Stow Motor Club Constitution
The group will be known as the Stow Motor Club Committee.
The aim of the group is to plan and run a biennial Motor Show to promote Stow-on-the-Wold and other events throughout the year. The events should introduce Stow to new visitors, offer a family fun day for visitors and locals alike and contribute to local charities.
The Committee will consist of a minimum of 5. Members to be elected at a General Meeting to be held annually in March. Notice of the General Meeting will be posted prominently in the Town and on the Motor Club website.
Officers (Chair, Secretary and Treasurer) will be elected at the General Meeting for a term of two years. The maximum tenure for an officer will be for six years. Officers completing their tenure in one post may stand for election in another post or may stand for the original post after a lapse of three Shows. Other roles such as event manager, publicity officer, logistics manager and fundraiser may be considered. No Committee member will be paid or benefit financially.
Any part of the constitution can be amended at the General Meeting or at a meeting of all the Committee members, called at least one month in advance.
In order to be quorate, all meetings will require four Committee members to be present, to include at least two officers. It is the responsibility of the Chair to call meetings as and when required. In the absence of the Chair one of the officers will be asked to take the Chair.
The Committee will be responsible for all financial matters, including fundraising. The Committee will maintain a bank account solely for the purpose of the Stow Motor Club, with at least two signatories required on each cheque.
The treasurer will keep accounts and give a financial report at each meeting. The accounts will be examined by an independent auditor and presented to the General Meeting.
Any funds or property raised will be used to fund the events, invest in the next event or, if there is any surplus, may be given to nominated local charities. These charities will be agreed by the Committee.
All officers and their deputies will be expected to attend all Committee meetings. In case of unavoidable absence the officer shall provide a written report to the Committee via the Chair. Any Committee member who is absent without proper reason for four consecutive meetings will be deemed to have resigned.
Minutes will be taken at all meetings, recording those present, apologies, decisions and actions taken. A record of any vote taken will be recorded.
Appropriate public liability insurances will be taken out to cover the events.
Exit strategy: should it be necessary, a public meeting will be called by the remaining Committee members, a vote to disband taken and any remaining funds given to the designated charities.